[conspire] upgrade and grub

Paul Zander paulz at ieee.org
Fri Jun 29 10:21:26 PDT 2018

I saved your detailed comments about HTML editors to refer to when I next need an HTML editor.  Long ago, I had started using Seamonkey because I had it and it "worked".  As discussed, whether or not it will continue to work is by no means certain.

>> Am I missing something?  Didn't you go to some considerable pains to re-converge onto Stable, and get off Testing?

Regarding Debian versions, I have been using "testing" for years.  I should have corrected you some emails back, but I was making progress on other issues. My apologies.   

Over the years, I have had various frustrations when the Debian version of some package was a year or more behind the current release for other operating systems. As you said in a different email, "The downside of Debian-stable is that the software versions are... old. "

So now I have the opposite situation, a particular package (openscad) is in stable, but not in testing.  Apparently something changed in the Debian-testing that broke the package.   

I have two computers.  Both have now been well upgraded and have latest "testing" versions of dozens of other packages, including Firefox.  OpensCAD installed and runs on one.  It won't install on the other because of some missing libraries. I believe that this is the sort of "difficulty" I might encountered with other packages, for example, Seamonkey.
I will be very much surprised if you can offer a solution other than to wait and see if the developers decide to address the problem.
For the record:Computer 1 is a desktop.  Computer 2 is a laptop.  Computer 2 has been to Cabal several times.  The first couple of times, I learned that Win8 and EFI made dual boot much more difficult.  I "fixed" that by getting external drive.  Thank you to everyone at Cabal that advised on that a few years back.
Besides the obvious differences in hardware, I have not installed all of the same packages on both machines.  So there likely difference in exactly which library files and which versions are on each machine.  

Computer 2 lists th
   Depends:  libcgal12 but it is not installable
   Depends:  libqt5scintilla2-12v5  (>=2.8.4) but it is not installable

They are not installed on computer 1.  Somehow I got lucky that apt-get somehow proceeded and somehow the package  appears to run.   I am aware that I am on "thin ice" and that it might break without explicit warning.
      From: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
 To: conspire at linuxmafia.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 4:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [conspire] upgrade and grub

> Now I have an instance of a program that doesn't consistently install:
> openscad.  

Again, I am obliged to repeat what I've said several times:  Why is
the current problem with the Debian package on the _testing_ track
relevant to you?  You are on the stable track.  Aren't you?

Am I missing something?  Didn't you go to some considerable pains to
re-converge onto Stable, and get off Testing?

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