[conspire] upgrade and grub

Paul Zander paulz at ieee.org
Mon Jun 25 16:25:13 PDT 2018

After spending the weekend with radios and antennas and talking to stations anywhere between Florida, Alberta CA and Hawaii, I am back to my computer installation update.

It was previously determined that my most significant problem was with Firefox.  Apparently something got confused back when iceweasel became firefox.
Of the 3 dozen programs that I checked, only these 2 do not have debian packages:
lxmed:  menu editor of LX.  
Seamonkey:   Mozilla integrated browser, email, HTML and bottle opener.

I downloaded the tar balls, manually installed them and used lxmed to add itself and seamonkey to the pop-up menu.  Given the origin of these programs I don't think they are any significant risk of them breaking something.  

Now for a new application.   Several people have suggested OPENSCAD to draw 3D parts.  Debian has it in stretch, but not buster

Any suggestions?  Or maybe Ross can suggest some alternative.

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