[conspire] CABAL & spuds ...

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Jul 15 01:29:14 PDT 2018

Quoting Elise Scher (elise.scher01 at gmail.com):

>     I am using emacs to create and modify the source code for each
> assignment. Tabs seem to automatically be placed in each program. Not only
> do the tabs tend to make each Python 3 program not work, but the instructor
> takes off points for my having tabs in the program.

Deirdre's link seems _extremely_ promising.  And thank heavens for her
and Michael's also promising advice, because unfortunately not all of us
here are emacs people.  Yr. humble servant on a good day can remember
the magic incantation (C-x C-c) for getting out of emacs on a system
where (e.g.) a programmer has redefinied $VISUAL to /usr/bin/emacs.

So, sadly, I'm not much good at giving emacs help, though I can help
quite a bit with vi.  

Just to make this posting not _totally_ useless:  I'd definitely
encourage you to make friends with emacs if you're doing a substantive
amount of coding.  Many coders find a well-tuned emacs (with your own rc
settings) to be the perfect programmer's editor.

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