[conspire] Windows Refund Day, Foster City event, retrospective

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Dec 12 01:08:19 PST 2018

Brett Donovan, who sent this clip URL, is one of those oddities of the
modern age, one of my predicted fifth cousins, introduced to me by
23andMe.  (I'm the product of a closed adoption, so I don't otherwise
know any blood relatives, and prior to 23andMe results could guess my
genetic relations mostly by observing in which European countries I'm
assumed local until I open my mouth -- which is all the countries around
the North Sea.)  Brett is a charming fellow from England's Home
Counties, whom Deirdre and I have met a few times.

The clip shows most of the Bay Area's organised Linux community and a
number of the BSD regulars, when we did our organised march from the
Denny's parking lot at Hillsdale & Norfolk, San Mateo, to the PR event
at Microsoft's offices in Foster City, about a half-mile away.   And
yes, that's me wearing my BSD shirt, standing behind Eric Raymond at the
2:58 mark.  Sharp eyes, Brett!

Around 8:15 on, there's Chris di Bona with '90s hair.  Heather Stern is
standing in the crowd with her red hat earlier, 8:27 has Don Marti with
his partial ponytail, at numerous points Mike Higashi, Marc Merlin, Ian
Kluft, are in the crowd.  Larry Augustin of VA Linux Systems is speaking
at 8:54, and lots of other regulars appear throughout.

----- Forwarded message from Brett Donovan -----

Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 09:34:39 +0100
From: Brett Donovan 
To: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>, Dire Red <deirdre at deirdre.net>
Subject: Hello

Hope you are both doing really well!

Well this morning I got to see Rick about 20 years ago on a video that was
recommended to me on YouTube. You can see Rick at


All about the Windows refund day at about 2:58!

All the best,


----- End forwarded message -----

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