[conspire] Cheese it, it's the (French) cops!

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Dec 9 14:52:45 PST 2018

Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu):

> And, had earlier occurred to me, but I'd not peeked until just wee bit
> ago, ... I actually have login access to that host, so ...
> $ ssh -ax linuxmafia.com. 'exec cat /proc/cpuinfo'

> So, still shows both CPUs there, ... so ... maybe not (totally?) borked?
> It might be alarming about the failed fan, ... or something else.  Who
> knows what. 

I'm actually pretty impressed that the CPU with the defunct fan never
burned itself out.  I'll classify this as another indicator of just what
an insane jump in power requirements arrived with the P4 and Xeon era,
relative to the PIII.  I've dealt with RMAed P4 / Xeon pizza-box servers
where the motherboard around one of the CPUs actually _charred_ when a
CPU or its fan failed.

Did some work this afternoon on what's gobbling all of my bandwidth
lately.  It's pretty much all Apache httpd.  I've now removed some
unneeded junk, done tidying up such as moving a tree of docs about exim4
into a tarball, removed some stupidly problematic symlinks (don't
symlink something to '.' in an HTML tree, people), and basically tried
to find obvious sources of trouble.  

I'll have to spend some time doing logfile analysis to see what's
getting all this traffic, maybe revamp the robots.txt file, and maybe
spank some particularly egregious offenders with iptables blocks.

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