[conspire] Buy plants! They generate oxygen.

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Apr 3 13:11:13 PDT 2017

Quoting Tony Godshall (togo at of.net):

> Awesome.  Is there a larger geographic list?
> ((I'd like to buy native plants, preferably ones closer to home. in SF))

You need to check:

o  SF Botanical Garden

o  California Native Plant Society San Francisco Chapter

My mother-in-law Cheryl and I are CNPS members, and I recommend it,
if only for the member-only sales and other events.  However, you aren't
going to get vegetables and fruits from California-native plants, so yay
for the Columbian Exchange in that department at least -- not to mention
essential things from elsewhere in the Americas starting with the tomato, 
the potato, and chili peppers.

Here's an incredibly raw, new Web page that wasn't even HTML until a
couple of minutes ago, and is still disorganised.  (I need to separate
the bits about organisations from the bits about events, for starters.)

This is so new I haven't linked it from anywhere, and not ready for
prime time, but you might find some thing of interest on it:

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