[conspire] VirtualBox

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Mon Mar 7 07:36:08 PST 2016

begin Tony Godshall quotation of Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 06:46:53AM -0800:

> And how much is a retail copy of Windows? This year I'm doing my taxes
> online at turbotax.com. it gives you a warning about Linux maybe not
> rendering right but it's worked great. And I can proceed even on a Android
> tablet entering documents as I find them. Installing Windows software is so
> over.

Over for day-to-day use for most people, but there are
still some situations where it comes up for me.

 * Some people still have to do QA for web sites
   and use one or more browsers under a Microsoft OS.

 * Much online meeting software is problematic
   on Linux.  And it requires so many dependencies
   of uncertain provenance that you might as well
   run it in a VM.

The good news is that MSFT has realized that many
web developers find it hard to get to an MS-Windows
machine for testing.  So, free Microsoft VM images are


These should work as-is on Virtualbox, or if you want
to run one under QEMU/KVM/virt-manager I have some
notes here:


Whatever tool you are using to manage VMs should let
you take a snapshot so you can start with a clean VM
each time.

Questions and suggestions welcome. 

Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org>                   
Are you safe from 3rd-party web tracking?  http://www.aloodo.org/test/

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