[conspire] New laws in 2016, cont'd.
Josef Grosch
jgrosch at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 16:16:44 PST 2016
On 01/05/2016 10:14 PM, Rick Moen wrote:
> I wrote:
>> I was troubled recently when I heard that our Feds were now asserting
>> their right to require permission and valid US passports from not only
>> US citizens and others when coming home but also for them _leaving_. I
>> thought it a settled moral principle that anyone who honestly insists on
>> leaving the USA and isn't, say, and escaped convict should have the gate
>> opened and told 'Bon voyage', documentation or no, and no permission is
>> required.
> Deirdre just now informed me that it's a Federal crime for any US
> citizen to enter or leave the US other than using a valid USA passport.
> 8 U.S.C. 1185(b), https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1185 .
> My recollection of this having _not_ been the case historically is
> correct: A bit of research finds that it was enacted in 1978, as part of
> Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1979, enacted as
> Public Law 95-426, Sec. 707(b).
> https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-92/pdf/STATUTE-92-Pg963.pdf
When I was growing up there were several "Aunt" and "Uncle" (friends of
my Grandparents) who were German Jews who fled Nazi Germany. They saw
early on where things were going and got out as soon as they could. I
remember them telling the stories of having to get exit visas and
basically surrender all their assets to the Nazis. I have heard similar
stories from refuseniks who fled the Soviet Union.
I'm not saying the US is Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union but it seems
to me this country is starting down this path and it will not end well.
Several times in the past I have looked into emigrating to another
country but there are very few places that I would want to live in and
are not the lapdog of the US.
For anyone who wants to yell, "America, love it or leave it". Save your
breath. This country is NOT the country my ancestors fled the Pale of
Settlement for and it is NOT the country my wife and I grew up in. My
wife and I loved America, and as Jews how could we not, but it left us.
Josef Grosch | Another day closer |
jgrosch at gmail.com | to Redwood Heaven | Berkeley, Ca.
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