[conspire] bank doesn't like Iceweasel

Paul Zander paulz at ieee.org
Tue Aug 30 17:59:16 PDT 2016

No, I will have to try the spoof.  

Not usually needing to do such work-arounds, I did some searching to figure out how.
First I found these links that says the ice age has come to an end.

The /packages.debian.org/unstable does list a firefox package.  It is not listed in testing.
Then I found the following link that there is an iceweasel add on.

Unless there is further input, I will try that add on later this evening.
BTW, when I went to a different computer, the bank recognized my login, but not my computer.  I had to get a phone call with a pass code.  A bit of a bother, but protection against stolen passwords.

      From: Deirdre Saoirse Moen <deirdre at deirdre.net>
 To: Conspire List <conspire at linuxmafia.com> 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 5:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [conspire] bank doesn't like Iceweasel
On Aug 30, 2016, at 4:25 PM, Paul Zander <paulz at ieee.org> wrote:
> For some time, I have been used to bank websites telling me that I should be using Firefox. I just ignore it and proceed with my business.
> Now I have encountered a bank that will only let me access my account if I use Firefox, Chrome, Safari or IE.

Have you tried spoofing the user agent string? Some only check that, but some check browser capabilities.

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