[conspire] Fist full of CABALs

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sat Sep 12 21:23:14 PDT 2015

Quoting Paul Zander (paulz at ieee.org):

> Saturday AM will be the last Electronics Flea Market for 2015.
> details at: http://www.electronicsfleamarket.com/

Even newer news:  There _might_ be a final 2015 Electronics Flea Market
on Saturday, October 10th, depending on whether a sponsoring groups
commits to that date or not.

I've always found these events to be exceptionally worthwhile, every
time I've gone.  Getting the best experience really does, however,
require arriving well before dawn -- with flashlights.  (Opening hour is
5 AM.  Official close is 12 noon, but don't bother if you aren't able to
get there early, as you'll find only the leavings.)

Anyway, very likely the first 2016 event will be in March.  It's an
avoidance of rain thing.

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