[conspire] Fist full of CABALs

Paul Zander paulz at ieee.org
Sat Sep 12 16:47:05 PDT 2015

Saturday AM will be the last Electronics Flea Market for 2015.

details at: http://www.electronicsfleamarket.com/
From: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
To: conspire at linuxmafia.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 4:15 AM
Subject: [conspire] Fist full of CABALs

{insert Enrico Morricone score, here.}

Right, you know the routine.  4pm to midnight, CABAL day.

Because it's a sure-fire hit, I'll do homemade pizza again (with a pesto
sauce base).  And garlic bread, in accordance with the original
Norwegian recipe.

Weather is predicted to be very nice, somewhat cloudy with almost no
wind, and about 29 degrees during the hot part of the day and declining
slowly to a cool 14 very late at night.

(For those of you who live in the 20th Century, that would be a high of
84 degrees F, and very late Saturday night eventually cooling off to 58
degrees F.)

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