[conspire] Tips for setting up git repositories for web sites?

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Wed Feb 25 12:08:46 PST 2015

begin Deirdre Saoirse quotation of Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 10:53:17AM -0800:

> So, my current problem is: I’d like to replicate using git push to push to my VPS as well, but I’m uncertain how to set that up on the Debian side. I’ve got quite a few WordPress sites to deploy….

That sounds like pretty close to what Piehole does...


Relatively simple replication of git repositories
across hosts.  The actual push from one to another
happens as a special-purpose user who can be given
limited ssh access.

I don't have it running in production yet, but it's
a relatively small Python script.  Uses etcd to keep
refs synced among repos.

Don Marti                    
dmarti at zgp.org

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