[conspire] launching LXDE

Paul Zander paulz at ieee.org
Thu Nov 14 21:32:07 PST 2013


At the cabal, I mentioned having re-installed Debian and finding a really strange desktop.  I know I downloaded the CD for LXDE.  However after not finding anything useful relating to configuring LXDE, I had an idea.  'ps' shows that lxde is not running, but 8 different gnome processes are!

From  https://wiki.debian.org/DebianDesktopHowTo
To select the desktop environment that the debian-installer installs, 
enter "Advanced options" on the boot screen and scroll down to 
"Alternative desktop environments". Otherwise, debian-installer will 
choose GNOME.   

I don't recall seeing any such option during the install.   Maybe it is in the graphic installer.

So how to run LXDE not gnome.

Some sources say refer to ~/.xinitrc.   But I don't have such a file.

Other source say to edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager.

That is obviously not gdm, and is also what a different computer has. That machine runs LXDE.

So somewhere, there is a hidden switch.  Any suggestions where it might be?


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