[conspire] (forw) Re: RSVP for Saturday installfest

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Nov 4 19:26:25 PST 2013

----- Forwarded message from Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> -----

Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 14:28:24 -0800
From: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
To: Lawrence <lmfao at lawrenceharlan.com>
Subject: Re: RSVP for Saturday installfest
Organization: If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.

Quoting Lawrence (lmfao at lawrenceharlan.com):

> I'd like to attend the installfest at your house on Saturday. I've tried
> and failed to install Ubuntu and Edubuntu onto my old Toshiba Satellite
> notebook. One major problem is that it won't boot from a thumbdrive and
> it only boots from a CD-R disk. The installs have failed. I've spent
> about eight hours troubleshooting and attempting installs.

Hi, Lawrence.  Sound do-able.  A couple of questions:

1.  Do you know the specific model of Toshiba Satellite?  Knowing 
the model lets me look up chipset details.

2.  Has someone tried installing from a Linux CD in a CD drive and 
failed?  If so, what has been the difficulty?

My reason for the later question is that I plan to use my external
USB-connectable CD/DVD/BluRay drive with your Toshiba, and would
appreciate knowing in advance any reason that might prove difficult.

What Linux distro do you most want?  I can download and burn it to
optical disc in advance.

----- End forwarded message -----

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