[conspire] July 11th CABAL meeting cancelled

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Jun 27 14:20:09 PDT 2013

Quoting Mark Weisler (mark at weisler-saratoga-ca.us):

> One way to research this topic is to learn what computer models are
> used by Linux resellers and then buy that model of computer either
> from the reseller or elsewhere.

Yeah, you can buy from specialty Linux/BSD-oriented resellers.
http://linuxmafia.com/bale/other.html aims to mention the ones in the
Bay Area, and http://www.svlug.org/farm.php#hw-vendors catalogues them
without regard to physical office location.

But that's really not especially necessary.

I don't buy computer hardware often, but I never have driver
problems.  Why?  

o  I avoid brand-new (newly introduced) chipsets.
o  I avoid bottom-dollar options.

Stick to stuff that's been out at least six months (or better, 1
year-plus), and avoid the cut-rate crud, and everyting pretty much
Just Works[tm].  Like, for gosh sakes, get a 1-2 year old quality
model _used_ off Craigslist.  Remember used?  It's cheaper than Fry's,
and you can get better stuff for the dollar.

If you insist on buying new retail, bring that Knoppix (or Aptosid, or
whatever you prefer) live CD with you when you go shopping.  Don't just
buy what the salesman pushes at you and then consider driver support as
an afterthought.

My view, yours for a small fee and waiver of reverse-engineering rights.

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