[conspire] linux computer repair in san francisco?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Jul 2 10:21:06 PDT 2013

Quoting Jim Stockford (jim at systemateka.com):

>     I worry that in the case of a Linux, not 
> hardware, problem, the customer might pay for 
> "handling" if the technicians can't navigate 
> the linux kernel, modules, firmware, etc. 
>     So if anyone knows of someplace in SF that 
> can fix Linux computers, soup to nuts (hardware 
> and software), I'd like to know of them. 

That's a good point.  I suspect that the user would in _that_ case
(software problems) would need to either hire a consultant or seek
volunteer help in the Linux community (largely self-help with

There are specialty Linux hardware VARs in the Bay Area that might be
willing to do fee-for-service software work, but I don't remember any in
San Francisco specifically.  I keep a list here:

You mentioned that this unnamed user with the extremely vague problem
that may or may not be hardware is specifically running Ubuntu.  This
person might be the perfect candidate for an end-user support contract
from Canonical, Ltd.  Just a thought.

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