[conspire] running without a DE- ancilliary tools? [was Re: (forw) Re: InstallFest on Apr. 13th]

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Apr 16 14:22:52 PDT 2013

Quoting Tony Godshall (togo at of.net):

> These really weren't personal requests for you do take on huge
> research tasks, Rick, but rather wonderings as to whether anyone on
> the list had some knowledge at the tip of their tongues to share
> toward common goals.

Yes, quite, and I am interested in the answer, too.  And:

> But it's fine if you don't share the goals....

Um, I said nothing about differing with your goals.   I merely said very
cordially that I was busy right then (with, y'know, work and stuff), and
suggested you help look up the answers.

I have no objection to idle curiosity, mind.  But it'd be nice if you
were to help.

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