[conspire] DNS zonefile SOA detals, and addressing the public

Ruben Safir ruben at mrbrklyn.com
Tue Apr 2 12:48:37 PDT 2013

> More at:  http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/ch8/soa.html
> Which, mind you, is in the 'DNS Tutorial' I just got through suggesting
> you read.

Which is the tutorial I was pouring over... actually, it has been around
fore a long time, if I recall.

> > I have to do the slave here as well.
> I have no idea what you mean by that.

You didn't want me to be secondary?  I thought that was the deal.

> > I'll forward all the messages to conspire tonight.
> Please stop and think before 'forwarding all the messages to Conspire'.
> Let's back up and consider the surrounding context. 

Hey - I thought this is what you wanted!

> I've worked in Unix technology since the 1980s, so solving technical
> problems is what I get paid for.  I normally do not give away for free
> what I do for a living, any more than you are willing to be a pharmacist
> for free on nights and weekends when friends or strangers find it
> convenient to ask you questions and get your help on matters that are
> part of your day job.  (If you happen to be OK with being a
> pharmacist-for-free for friends and random strangers at their
> convenience, I have no objection, but you should not expect that
> attitude from others.)
> As an exception to the general rule, I _am_ glad to help people with
> open-source Linnx/BSD problems because that helps build and perpetuate
> the body of understanding and the community that has helped me,
> particularly when I was just starting -- _provided_ it occurs at my
> convenience, at my opinion, on reasonable occasions during my spare
> time.
> Getting back to forwarding to mailing lists:  The spirit of community
> and perpetuating the understanding of Linux and open source is best
> served by holding discussions _of public interest_ there in the first
> place.  The next best thing, if you find yourself in private mail and
> suddenly remember to be public minded and respectful of the other
> person's time, might be to forward useful parts of the discussion that
> are _of public intersest_.
> So, before lobbing a bunch of private mail to Conspire, kindly ask
> yourself:  Is this of public interest?  Am I snipping the parts that
> aren't, and maybe annotating it so it's useful to others?
> But, for the love of all that's holy, do not just 'forward all the
> messages to Conspire'.  That would be obnoxious and clueless.

I was going to redact it, especially the times and dates.  Thanks for
the help.

BTW - if Pharmacist did as IT Consultants, indeed, we would make a a lot
more money.  But by law, at least in NY and in Ca, Pharmacist are
required to do consultation for free....

Don't ask....

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