[conspire] CABAL meeting tomorrow (Saturday, Mar. 25)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Mar 25 16:27:31 PDT 2011

Tomorrow, Saturday, Mar. 25 is going to be another CABAL day.  I have
some pork chops that are going to be marinating in a rub overnight,
and I have more stew.

National Weather Service suggests that it'll be yet another day to be a
fish or aquatic fowl, i.e., 80% chance of rain, trailing off to 40%
later at night.  Fortunately, we have things fairly comfortable and dry.

Please be aware that the _April 9_ meeting date -- the one following -- 
there will be no CABAL meeting, as Deirdre and I will be off in Southern
Spain, the Canary Islands, Madeira, and Morocco.  (Yes, we promise to
have a good time.)

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