[conspire] Browser 'Wars'

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Feb 10 18:55:41 PST 2011

Quoting Micah Lee (twopointfour at riseup.net):

> I think we probably agree on quite a few things. 

Yeah, sorry.  It's not fair for me to vent annoyance over Web abuses at
someone merely because he identifies himself as a Web developer, even if
he does fail to capitalise proper nouns.  ;->

> Regardless, most applications getting developed now and in the future
> will be run in a web browser and hosted on remote servers....

I've spent many, many decades not giving a tinker's damn about 'most
users', 'most applications', etc.  Because Sturgeon's Law applies in

I _may_ decide to implement the Web re-interation of the 1990s 'network
computer' idea, except using my own damned back-end services rather than 
Google, Inc.'s, Zimbra's, or any other third-party SaaS crap.  As I
pointed out to Don Marti, I already basically use whatever computer's in
front of me almost entirely for ssh access to my server, and do all my
substantive computing _on_ my server.  However, I've just been extremely
unimpressed by Web-mediated applications in general and have thus far 
dismissed them out of hand.

I'm in a position to not give a damn how much money is spent on moving
everything to cloud-based hosted applications and how much Web 2.0 fairy
dust is sprinkled over it.  Debian continues to work great, and I am
fully equipped to ignore the bullshit.

> ...and that's what's pushing the demand for modern web browsers, and
> also what's pushing the demand for privacy and security features and
> add-ons (like the new DNT http header in Firefox 4).

Oh, Jesus, you _are_ delusional.

I briefly considered lavishing an entire slide on how lame, stupid, and
useless Mozilla Corporation's 'do not track header' is, but figured that
was obvious and also largely redundant to other material in my SVLUG

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