[conspire] 17" PowerBook G4

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Aug 10 00:49:37 PDT 2011

Quoting ilona (tecstuf at earthlink.net):

> Hello Rick and group … I would like to sell my 17” PowerBook G4
> and don't know whether it is appropriate to ask the group if anyone
> would be interested.  If it's not okay to do so Rick I apologize.

Not a problem.  There are no specific topicality rules; we just ask
folks to use judgement.

Anyway, Ilona, you logically get cheerful latitude as a regular
CABALista and occasional mailing list contributor.  It's not like your
post was a drive-by.  ;->

We'd love to see you at CABAL gatherings again.  Next one is this coming

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