[conspire] Burned to media in time for tomorrow's CABAL

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Sep 24 20:28:01 PDT 2010

Reminder:  CABAL on Saturday.

Just finishing burning to DVD and CD:
Aptosid (formerly Sidux) 2010-02, KDE-Lite for x86_64, i386
Aptosid (formerly Sidux) 2010-02, KDE Full for x86_64 / i386 (one DVD)
Aptosid (formerly Sidux) 2010-02, XFCE for x86_64, i386
Linux Mint Debian Edition, 201009 GNOME i386
NetBSD v. 5.0.2 for i386, MacPPC, x86_64, SPARC32, SPARC64
PartEd Magic v. 5.5 for i586
Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" 2010-09-20 snapshot i386 CD1 discs, variously
   with GNOME, KDE, and XFCE+LXDE
Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" 2010-09-20 snapshot PowerPC CD1 disc with XFCE+LXDE
Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" 2010-09-20 snapshot i386 DVD1 disc with GNOME
Debian 5.0.6 "Lenny" i386 CD1 discs, variously with GNOME, KDE, XFCE+LXDE
Debian 5.0.6 "Lenny" i386 DVD1 disc with GNOME

I gladly burn discs people request, but nobody's requested any for quite
a while, so instead I just try to anticipate possible needs.

See you tomorrow!

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