[conspire] CABAL. on Sat.

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Sep 23 21:26:30 PDT 2010

Quoting Bruce Coston (jane_ikari at yahoo.com):

> I think I want to give Rick etc. the opportunity to say ' oh no thanks
> '  to us now and I'm stating that unless that happens ; I plan to
> attend CABAL. this Sat. . The 1 install I use on my laptop  anymore
> needs a tune up vs. the end of it's debian type and I believe it's
> trying to dump my KDE3binaries when I ask about an upgrade . Using
> KDE. 3.x will get even harder soon for those of us who tested 4.44 and
> still prefer 3.x . Ross has about 5 discs for me to pick up as well . 

You're very welcome as always.

If there's anything in particular you'd like me to download and burn to
media, be sure to tell me no later than tomorrow (Friday) morning.
Be sure to include the CPU arch (e.g., x86_64, i386) you want.

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