[conspire] More distro politics: Mandriva to Mageia. OpenIndiana.

Tony Godshall tony at of.net
Wed Sep 22 11:00:33 PDT 2010

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 21:43, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:
>> And of course, it was named Project Indiana by the founder of Debian,
>> from Indiana.
> The estimable Ian Murdock, ...

Yes, the Ian in Debian.  You never hear much from Deb.

... B.A. in CS from Purdue University (not IU). ...

Heh.  Obviously something to take into account on all future IIRC comments...

> ...
> Murdock was hired somewhere around '07 as Sun's Chief OS Strategist, and
> then Vice President of Emerging Platforms, finally resigning at the time
> of the Oracle acquisition.

Hmmm.  Project Indiana was "taking the lesson that Linux has brought
to the operating system and providing that for Solaris" (wikipedia).

Maybe there'll be a unification of OpenSolaris and Debian coming
(subsuming or building on Nexenta?) ... as I recall there are
technical issues relating to Solaris' Zones technology that are not
supported by apt/deb packaging.

I suppose there will be licensing issues.  :-/

You sure he resigned?   http://ianmurdock.com/about/ still says "I’m
vice president of emerging platforms at Sun, ..." the link in
wikipedia that purports to support the claim is a dead link.  His site
seems to be stale.. but the last entry, nearly a year ago, is
interesting- the "Linux family tree"- a map of Linux distros.


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