[conspire] new laptop Fedora 13 with NVIDIA graphics card - yum update - now only blank screen

Mark Weisler mark at weisler-saratoga-ca.us
Sun Sep 19 14:30:42 PDT 2010

Hash: SHA1

Darlene Wallach wrote:
> Ehud,
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Ehud Kaldor <ehud.kaldor at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Even during boot? Do you see the fedora screen while it loads and then goes
>> black, or not even that?
> I only see a black screen - like when I open the lid and the laptop is
> shut off. That is all I see even when I boot I never see anything on
> the screen.
> I am very perplexed! I'm hoping I did not break my brand new laptop.
> I have no idea what I could possibly have done to cause this.
> Thank you
>>> Ehud,
> Darlene Wallach
>>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Ehud Kaldor <ehud.kaldor at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> had that a couple of days ago. i think there was a kernel update that
>>>> broke
>>>> the NVIDIA kmod (if you are using it). you can try and login to a
>>>> different,
>>>> text console (after boot is done, hold ctrl+alt+F2 or F3) and run dmesg
>>>> or
>>>> cat /var/log/messages to look for specific errors.
>>>> anyway, i would recommend setting few seconds pause on the kernel
>>>> selection
>>>> screen of grub and boot to a previous kernel.
>>> I guess I did not explain my situation.
>>> I have a black blank screen. I see nothing just a black screen. I see
>>> nothing when I try to boot or do a cold shutdown.
>>> Thank you
>>>> Ehud
>>> Darlene Wallach
>>>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Darlene Wallach
>>>> <freepalestin at dslextreme.com> wrote:
>>>>> I purchased a new laptop from Linux Certified with Fedora 13 installed.
>>>>> I did "yum update". Now I only have a blank screen when I try to boot
>>>>> the laptop. Since I can't see anything I have no idea what is going
>>>>> on.
>>>>> I did the yum update yesterday. I thought I had rebooted successfully
>>>>> and left the laptop on with the power supply plugged in and the cover
>>>>> down. Now I only see a blank screen. I did a hard shutdown and when I
>>>>> try to boot, I only get a blank screen.
>>>>> I tried putting a Fedora 11 live CD and still only get a blank screen.
>>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> Darlene Wallach
>>>>> --
>>>>> equal justice under law
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>>> equal justice under law

Try booting from a LiveCD of some kind (System Rescue CD, Ubuntu, Knoppix etc.)
I have seen the condition you describe when the notebook thinks it is
connected to a docking station, turns off its own monitor, and sends video
out the port to an external monitor. The LiveCD should at least tell you
whether the notebook is working. (Make sure it's a known to be good CD though.)
- --
Mark Weisler
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