[conspire] new laptop Fedora 13 with NVIDIA graphics card - yum update - now only blank screen

Darlene Wallach freepalestin at dslextreme.com
Sun Sep 19 14:06:53 PDT 2010


On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Ehud Kaldor <ehud.kaldor at gmail.com> wrote:
> Even during boot? Do you see the fedora screen while it loads and then goes
> black, or not even that?

I only see a black screen - like when I open the lid and the laptop is
shut off. That is all I see even when I boot I never see anything on
the screen.

I am very perplexed! I'm hoping I did not break my brand new laptop.

I have no idea what I could possibly have done to cause this.

Thank you

>> Ehud,

Darlene Wallach

>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Ehud Kaldor <ehud.kaldor at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> had that a couple of days ago. i think there was a kernel update that
>>> broke
>>> the NVIDIA kmod (if you are using it). you can try and login to a
>>> different,
>>> text console (after boot is done, hold ctrl+alt+F2 or F3) and run dmesg
>>> or
>>> cat /var/log/messages to look for specific errors.
>>> anyway, i would recommend setting few seconds pause on the kernel
>>> selection
>>> screen of grub and boot to a previous kernel.
>> I guess I did not explain my situation.
>> I have a black blank screen. I see nothing just a black screen. I see
>> nothing when I try to boot or do a cold shutdown.
>> Thank you
>>> Ehud
>> Darlene Wallach
>>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Darlene Wallach
>>> <freepalestin at dslextreme.com> wrote:
>>>> I purchased a new laptop from Linux Certified with Fedora 13 installed.
>>>> I did "yum update". Now I only have a blank screen when I try to boot
>>>> the laptop. Since I can't see anything I have no idea what is going
>>>> on.
>>>> I did the yum update yesterday. I thought I had rebooted successfully
>>>> and left the laptop on with the power supply plugged in and the cover
>>>> down. Now I only see a blank screen. I did a hard shutdown and when I
>>>> try to boot, I only get a blank screen.
>>>> I tried putting a Fedora 11 live CD and still only get a blank screen.
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Darlene Wallach
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