[conspire] DVI to VGA (was Re: CABAL this Saturday)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Jul 29 14:33:30 PDT 2010

Quoting Tony Godshall (tony at of.net):

> Uh, the point of tmpfs is to *not* write to physical disk.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tmpfs

Yes, I know.  As it happens, I'm not yet using it (that's to be
considered for the next rebuild), but I cannot just have /tmp evaporate
at reboot.  It's working space, and holds significant things on a
temporary basis, kept to limits only by the tmpreaper script.  
/var/tmp is potentially a different story.  man hier has:

              Like  /tmp,  this  directory holds temporary files stored for an
              unspecified duration.

IIRC, _it_ actually does get wiped, unlike /tmp, but this matter needs
to be planned.

> Heh.  Yeah, I guess no spin-down is practical.

You'll note I said so in my referenced comments in the SVLUG thread.
This is a server, so you don't really get spindown unless you, perhaps,
are doing period archiving runs to a detachable mass-storage device.
Workstations and laptops, of course.

> Your point is well taken.  I withdraw my suggestion.

I appreciate your suggestion!  However, additional complexity needs to
be justified and not conflict with the design aims.

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