[conspire] vpnc gui, not Network Manager

Ehud Kaldor ehud.kaldor at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 08:00:07 PST 2010

VPNC = Cisco's VPN (which my workplace chose to work with),
wicd - a replacement for NetworkManager, which apparently works better,
except for the (now probably obvious) - it has no VPN applet.
i have considered going the console script route and hoped to avoid it.
there are things i prefer GUIs for, mostly for the indication - as with the
connection itself, and for the VPN, i get with the one glance over the
notification area to know if i'm connected and if i'm connected to the VPN.
the connection action itself does require some tinkering over building the
scripts, but i guess it is a worthy effort. as i said, the indication part
is more important.

than again, maybe it's a good reason to learn Python. been looking for


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 12:20 AM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Ehud Kaldor (ehud.kaldor at gmail.com):
> > Hi all,
> > i am looking to ditch NetworkManager for wicd, but i cannot find a nice,
> 2
> > click VPNC client to replace the VPNC applet in NetworkManager. does
> anyone
> > have a recommendation?
> I assume you mean VPNC = Cisco VPN Concentrator, Cisco's proprietary VPN
> software for various platforms, right?  (Pardon my ignorance, but I
> honestly don't know what 'wicd' means, at all.  I infer that you mean
> the GTK-based thing here, which admittedly looks pretty decent at a
> quick glance:  http://wicd.sourceforge.net/)
> I'm vaguely aware of NetworkManager, but don't choose to install or use
> it on any of my systems, as I'd rather not have complex, GUI-dependent,
> and potentially dependency-ridden and buggy software between me and
> networking.  (No objection to your choosing otherwise; I'm just
> explaining why I am not well-versed in its particular issues.)
> If you're merely looking for software that's functional on Linux and
> compatible with Cisco's VPN Concentrator client software, then the
> open-source 'vpnc' program, http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/vpnc/<http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/%7Emassar/vpnc/>
> ,
> is reported to meet spec.  It interfaces to the kernel using the 'tun'
> kernel module.  See, for example:
> http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-connect-to-a-cisco-vpn-using-vpnc
> If you mean something else entirely, then my apologies for not correctly
> understanding your question.
> > looking for something to work with pcf files, so i
> > only need to put in a username and password (and maybe even remember the
> > username, i dare hope...). googling it did not yield much.
> I _do_ know what you mean by PCF files, having used Cisco's proprietary
> package.  I'm not sure whether vpnc can use them directly, but suspect
> it might.  If not, PCF files are pretty simple, really, and I doubt
> you'd have much problem converting them over.
> And, actually, a quick search finds:
> http://baheyeldin.com/cisco/converting-cisco-easy-vpn-pcf-files-linux-vpnc-configuration-format.html
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