[conspire] firefox 3.0.15-1.fc10 - can't open new window using right mouse button

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Dec 20 02:52:04 PST 2009

I wrote:

> If that doesn't work, copy your bookmarks.html from inside the ~/.firefox
> or ~/.mozilla or ~./mozilla-firefox or whatever that directory is called
> in your homedir, take down a few notes about what firefox settings you
> want to recreate later, and then kill firefox and "rm -r" that dotfile
> directory, which houses your individual settings for the browser.

Just to elaborate on that:

Don't forget, Unix is inherently a multiuser operating system.  Even if
you never create any login account on your Linux machine other than your
own, the full Unix system architecture, where each user has his/her own 
_individual_ settings for absolutely everything, is still present.  

For any given utility or application, there may be system-wide settings
in some file within /etc .  Separately from that, the user will be able
to override/modify any system-wide settings via config files within
his/her home directory.  By convention, those will be files whose names
will start with "." (which in Unix makes them "hidden" files, trivially
obscured in that the "*" glob doesn't match them and "ls" doesn't
include them unless you include the -a = all flag).  Sometimes, the apps
will create entire "hidden" directories in the user's homedir.
Typically, such a dotfile or dot-directory will get created when the
user first starts the app, to hold preferences.

Closing the applications (killing it from memory) and then deleting the
dotfile or dot-directory amounts to resetting the app to system-wideZZ
defaults, by erasing the per-user ones.  The next time you start the
app, it creates a new instance of the dotfile or dot-directory (if it
did so the first time).

An alternative, by the way, to deleting the app's dotfile or
dot-directory is to rename it to *-old or *-save or such.

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