[conspire] How to create a live CD from a Ubuntu9.04 iso file?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Aug 5 22:53:08 PDT 2009

Quoting jose tav (j_tav at yahoo.com):

> I burned a boot-able mirror image form the iso file. In other words I
> can install Ubuntu on my HD but NOT run Ubuntu from the CD.

Sounds like you downloaded and burned to CD an "alternate" image (as
opposed to "desktop" image).  I like those a great deal, and prefer 
them any time I'm going to be installing Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Fluxbuntu/etc.
Why?  Because their installer program is faster, lighter, more flexible,
and more bulletproof than that of the "desktop" images.

_However_, they come with the built-in limitation that they simply are
not live CDs.  If you want a live CD, you have to download a "desktop"

Personally, I keep both around.  They're good for different things.

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