[conspire] question on Biostar P4M890-M7 Based on the VIA P4M890+VT8237A chipsets

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Sat Mar 22 12:10:50 PDT 2008

begin Rick Moen quotation of Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 03:40:41PM -0700:

> The other thing is that one should almost always avoid Linux drivers
> available separately from hardware manufacturers if humanly possible,
> for a whole bunch of reasons, which maybe I could get into some other
> time.

That goes double for the hardware manufacturer.  As a
hardware company, if you try to do Linux drivers as
you would do drivers for non-Linux OSs, you end up
having to hire a bunch of testers, webmasters, and
other support staff.  Do drivers the Linux way and
you can get by with one person who knows who to ask
about the hardware, is a good enough C programmer to
comprehend the existing kernel code, and can keep up
with lkml and LWN.

Of course, this crew will get you started with
a driver:

Don Marti                    
dmarti at zgp.org

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