[conspire] Housekeeping, again

Paul Reiber reiber at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 18:10:30 PST 2008

>  And what the fsck happened to _asking_, in situations where there's
>  reason for doubt?  [...]

I wasn't there... but as I understand things, you had to leave for a
while right after cutting the loaf.  Given that... (1) you weren't
there to be on the receiving end of an asking, and (2) one might
reasonably assume that you could have accidentally omitted the final
step of moving some freshly sliced bread out to the serving area.

OTOH, if the "eater" knew that the entire loaf was earmarked for later
garlic-and-butter-fication, that's an entire different can of worms.

> Me, I think I labour from a horrible mish-mosh[1] of Taoism, Veblen,
>  Stanley Milgram, the Eddas, dad's horribly unfashionable Existentialism,
>  mum's Midwestern sense of duty, Ambrose Bierce, and way too much I.F.
>  Stone, Kurt Vonnegut, and Paul Krassner.  No wonder I turned out wrong.

Ah... now I understand!  :-)))

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