[conspire] Failure to Communicate

Ross Bernheim rossbernheim at speakeasy.net
Sun Jan 20 15:36:44 PST 2008

DSL is back. New circuit. Separate line from the phone line. AT&T has  
been less than
competent in that they caused the original problem and could not  
troubleshoot their
error and correct it in multiple tries. Covad gets a mediocre rating  
for the failure to read
the symptoms and do the rote step troubleshooting procedure thus  
taking more 'dispatches'
and time than it should have taken.

Speakeasy tech support was good throughout. But they are somewhat  
limited in what they
can have done. I feel that they should have at least suggested the  
separate line solution

But I am back to having bandwidth again. So at least that is good.


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