[conspire] BayPIGgies meeting Thursday December 11, 2008: Python on the Nokia S60

jim jim at well.com
Mon Dec 8 14:56:19 PST 2008

BayPIGgies meeting Thursday December 11, 2008: 
Python on the Nokia S60 
by Robert Schultheis 

This talk and Python on mobile demo will provide an overview 
of Python for S60 and the PyS60 specific libraries used on 
mobile devices. 

It is easy to begin programming for mobile devices with Python 
with demos and code samples from PyS60 open source applications 
using device features such as Bluetooth, GPS, and Camera.

Python for S60 is Nokia's port of Python for the Series 60 
platform, bringing the power and productivity of the Python 
programming language to S60 mobile devices from Nokia. 
Python for S60 enables rapid application prototyping and 
development for mobile devices and provides the ability to 
create installable, stand-alone S60 native UI applications 
using the application UI framework library. 

Tonight's Newbie Nugget is... 
Container Types, by Alex Martelli 

Container Types: Using the right one, and using it right!

Python "out of the box" offers several container types, both
built-in and in standard library modules, and many of these 
types offer a rich choice of methods and operators -- this 
is all great, but may make it hard for the newbie to pick 
the right container type, and use the right methods and 
operators on the chosen type. A 15-minute summary of this 
issue will hopefully be of help!

Location: Google Campus 
Building 40, the Seville room 
(check in at the lobby in bldg 43)

bayPIGgies meeting information: 

* Please sign up in advance to have your google access badge ready: 
(no later than close of business on Wednesday.) 


..... 7:30 PM ...........................
General hubbub, inventory end-of-meeting announcements, 
any first-minute announcements. 

..... 7:35 PM to 7:45 PM ................
Newbie Nugget: Container Types  
by Alex Martelli 

..... 7:45 PM to 8:45 PM ................
Python on the Nokia S60  
by Robert Schultheis 

..... 8:45 PM to 9:00 PM -- After The Talk ................
Mapping and Random Access

Mapping is a rapid-fire audience announcement of topics 
the announcers are interested in. 

Random Access follows immediately to allow follow up 
individually on the announcements and other topics of 

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