[conspire] VNC through a secure channel

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Aug 24 16:07:06 PDT 2008

Quoting Ruben Safir (ruben at mrbrklyn.com):

Ruben, your posting had:

> In-Reply-To: <20080820193444.GF3728 at linuxmafia.com>

In other words, even though you were attempting to start an entirely new
thread on a new topic, you launched that thread by following up a prior
posting on a (quite) unrelated topic.  I've seen you do this a couple of
times, lately.

Please don't do that.  It makes your entirely new, unrelated change of
subject appear right in the middle of the existing, unrelated thread.
(Some readers won't see this effect, if they are using broken MUAs such as
MS-Outlook / MS-Outlook Express that don't support threading.)

When you want to start a new thread, use your MUA's "new" command, not
one of the "reply" ones.

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