[conspire] Google and Georgia

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Aug 15 15:29:20 PDT 2008

I wrote:

> Also, some some military & historical analysis:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_South_Ossetia_War
> http://exiledonline.com/georgia-gets-its-war-onmccain-gets-his-brain-plaque/
> http://exiledonline.com/war-nerd-south-ossetia-the-war-of-my-dreams/
> http://exiledonline.com/the-cnn-effect-georgia-schools-russia-in-information-warfare/

Or, if pressed for time, one article that seems to sum it all up:

Author Mark Ames ran _The eXile_ (Web site http://www.exile.ru/), 
everyone's favourite, brash, take-nobody-very-seriously magazine
for the Western expat community in Moscow, that was shut down through 
government pressure this past June, at which point they founded
http://exiledonline.com/ (I'd guess, in case their .ru domain gets

(Ames figures their worst sin was merely being irreverant, though their
giving column space to Putin critic and Bolshevik leader Eduard Limonov 
probably didn't help, either.)

http://exiledonline.com/ is where all new columns by the pseudonymous
Gary "War Nerd" Brecher appear, among others.

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