[conspire] Fwd: Ubuntu 6.10

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Mar 23 14:23:21 PDT 2007

Quoting Rick Moen (rick):

> I quote from the release announcement of today's Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty
> Fawn" Herd 3 beta:

Ouch.  Sent that posting just a little too quickly.  This is _not_ Herd 3,
but rather is the beta _following_ Feisty Herd 1 through Feisty Herd 5
(which were basically alphas).

The production release is scheduled for next month (thus the projected
version number of 7.04, which cites the year and then the month of
release).  For whatever it's worth, this is supposed to be another "LTS" 
(long-term support) release, the most recent of which was 6.06 Dapper
Drake (June 2006):  6.10 Edgy Eft (October 2006) was not an LTS release.

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