[conspire] help with adobe flash I can't watch my "good stuff" videos online/

jose tav josetav at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 28 23:59:43 PST 2007

Thanks Rick, Daniel and Ken for your kind and valuable info

Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 20:03:32 -0800
From: kenbernard at gmail.com
To: josetav at hotmail.com
Subject: Re: [conspire] help with adobe flash I can't watch my "good stuff" videos online/


I just got flash-player going on a new gutsy-Ubuntu install on my home PC.
I had to enable the multiverse repository. Synaptic package manager --> Settings 
--> Repositories --> check: restricted nonfree (multiverse).

Then "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree" in the command line terminal.
(Thanks Rick Moen)

The player still didn't work in Firefox,
So: In Firefox menu -->Tools --> Add-ons navigate to Extensions tab --> click the 

"Get Extensions"link. In the side pane click Plugins --> Click Adobe flash-player.

You have to use the tar.gz package for Ubuntu. Download it and save it to the Desktop

In the command line terminal;

    $  cd Desktop      

    $  gunzip install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz

    $  tar -xvf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar

    $  cd install_flash_player_9_linux
    $  ./flashplayer-installer

Follow the screen instructions closing the Browser and typing y when needed.
(I didn't find any  'xpti.dat' file anywhere on my system. 

After logging out and back on I am now able to watch youtube and google video!!

Happy New Year,
Ken Bernard

On Dec 28, 2007 12:29 PM, jose tav <josetav at hotmail.com> wrote:


just tell me where I have
to download from and how to install it, maybe:
apt-get flash
install (?)
Another question:
 What is the *mínimum*
size Linux-preferable PC-Linux (I guess) I can run from a Flash
drive?. The Idea is to boot from my own "drive" those bosos
in my homeland don't use Linux not even Firefox, so I have use my own
thing on their Cafe Internet 's computers. to subscribe to an IP is very
thanks for your replies!

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