[conspire] Quick Question 64bit vs 32 bit Kernel

Jose Medeiros jose.medeiros at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 12:46:27 PST 2007

Hi Ross & David,

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I realize that this list tends
to focus on Linux. Since Rick runs a Mac Laptop I thought I would also
ask on the Mac version of the command.  I am also quite familiar with
the various versions of Mac OS X and CPU combos over the years having
owned a Centris 650, Umax C500, 7600, Beige g3 and my current
Quicksilver G4 ( I bought used ) , my question is how can I verify
that I am actually using a 32 bit or 64 bit version of the Kernel.
Uname -a only tells you the version number of the Open Darwin kernel
and not whether it's 32 bit or 64 bit ( There may be a list with a
different version number for the 32bit and 64 bit that I am not aware
of). The reason why I ask, is I just helped a friend migrate his data
from an older G4 that died on him to a new Mac Mini with 10.4.11,
which he bought new, so it also came with Leopard but required that I
install as an upgrade. Since Mac OS X 10.4.11 was only 32 bit, does it
upgrade it to a 64 bit edition? Also the Intel core duo is only a
32bit and the core 2 duo is 64 bit, and I some how want to verify what
is installed just for the sake of knowing.

Thanks again for each of your time and responses!

Jose :-)

On Dec 11, 2007 7:35 PM, Ross Bernheim <rossbernheim at speakeasy.net> wrote:
> Dave,
> Mac OS X supports 4 architectures. PPC 32 bit. PPC 64 bit (G5). Intel
> X86 32 bit. And
> X86 64 bit (The new pro towers are Intel 64 bit processors and have up
> to 4 dual core
> processors.)
> At installation, the installer queries the hardware to find out which
> processor is present
> and then installs the correct files for that architecture.
> Ross
> On Dec 11,  02007, at 6:53 PM, David Fox wrote:
> > On Dec 11, 2007 9:45 AM, Jose Medeiros <jose.medeiros at gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >> Good Morning,
> >>
> >> How can I determine if I am running a 64 bit Kernel in Linux and or
> >> Mac OS X?
> >>
> >> I have tried using Cat /proc/version and it does tell me the Kernel
> >> Version and the release, however it does not state
> >> if it is 32 bit or 64 bit. I have also tried using the uname -a
> >
> > uname -a works on Linux, as others have said, but I am not certain
> > what it shows on a Darwin type (mac OS) machine. But are not all
> > versions of OS X i386 no matter what the architecture is (other than,
> > or course, the power PC stuff)? In other words, no 64-bit version,
> > right?
> >
> > cat /proc/cpuinfo will tell you if a box can support 64-bit, but it
> > won't indicate if a particular installation is 64-bit, of course, and
> > likely doesn't exist on OS X.
> >
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