[conspire] Fwd: The results of your email commands

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at deirdre.net
Tue Dec 11 17:39:40 PST 2007

On Dec 11, 2007, at 5:10 PM, Paul Reiber wrote:

>> Can't fix a server.
> ...for fun in the evenings when that's my day job?  I'd rather let
> some volunteer try.  It's not about it being up 24/7, it's about
> whether this sad bunch of clods can work together - with or without
> me!  Jeesh!

Speaking of, I can't let this slur pass against people willing to  
help SVLUG who simply aren't willing to help you because you're  
acting like a prick all the time. Or drunk. Or acting lecherous.

They are willing to help SVLUG and do what's necessary.

They are not willing to do it until you're out of office.

If you care about this stuff, you'll step down.

But I'll not have you slandering them because you cannot manage their  

_Deirdre                                             http://deirdre.net

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