[conspire] Help needed for running this Saturday's CABAL meeting

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Dec 7 19:09:16 PST 2007

Quoting Rick Moen (rick at linuxmafia.com):

> 4.  I'm putting signage on my server farm to please DO NOT TOUCH.  
> Last time, I noticed people had tapped the AC strip serving the server
> farm.  This is a no-no, as is touching anything else in that corner of
> the garage.

Thus, I have set up ethernet and AC power cables to be strung to the
dining room.  Do NOT connect them in the garage.  (AC service is per
1953 standards, and connecting more things on the garage circuits can
easily blow the circuit breaker for my server farm.  Just don't.

I note that when one of my IBM Model M keyboards was yanked from the
cupboard last time, someone (I believe it was you, Daniel) seems to have
pulled it straight sideways rather than lifting it:  I found one of its
keys on the garage floor.

Model Ms are pretty sturdy, so the borrower pretty much had to use
gorilla treatment.  That is no way to behave with yr. friendly host's
valued possessions.  Bad.  Not nice.  Already, I have a VA Research
keyboard with a missing F7 key, courtesy of some prior visiting yoyo.
(Accordingly, I'm on the lookout for a Keytronics KB101 Plus, which is
what VA Research OEMed.)

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