[conspire] OT freekenneth.com Urgent. Please help. Thanks.

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Mon Aug 27 15:23:53 PDT 2007

begin Rick Moen quotation of Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 01:34:05PM -0700:

> Thus my suggested heuristic.  In this case:
> o  Brief?  Not even close.
> o  Infrequent?  Time will tell.
> o  Humour?  Not.
> o  Non-Annoying?  Alas, probably not for most, who are here for LUG
>    topics, not long political pitches.
> o  Non-contentious?  Possibly.  Risks encouraging worse things.

How about infrequent _relative to the person's
on-topic participation in the group_?  If someone
posts one message a year, and it's a Thanksgiving
greeting telling people to eat tofu instead of turkey,
that's pretty annoying.

Hey kids!  OT political link!  (OK, maybe not that

Don Marti                    
dmarti at zgp.org

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