[conspire] Fedora Core password help

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Sep 20 16:26:48 PDT 2006

Quoting Bill Lazar (bill at billsaysthis.com):

> So my question is: Is there is a way for me to get around the login  
> password?

Oh, gods, yes.  Searching on "lost root password" brings up a huge
number of relevant links, of which the first is
http://aplawrence.com/Linux/lostlinuxpassword.html .

In a nutshell:  Short of encrypted filesystems, nothing can keep a user
with access to the physical machine out.  (This is true on all OSes.)
There are measures the machine owner can take to slow you down; there
are standard, pretty easy ways to defeat each of them.  

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