[conspire] Ubuntu and Fedora releases

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Oct 27 17:54:53 PDT 2006

Greets.  Fedora Core 6 and Ubuntu "Edgy Eft" 6.10 having been just
released, I hastened to grab the new ISOs -- and it sorta worked.  
I've burned DVDs of all three FC6 images (i386, x86-64, and PPC), 
but then things bogged down, since I started in on Ubuntu late, 
most sites are a bit busy, and there are so many images to grab
(Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu in both alternate and desktop CD images, 
each for three architectures, and also Ubuntu Server for each

If anyone else has made an earlier start on the Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu
job, I'd appreciate your bringing them (ISO files or discs) for tomorrow
evening's CABAL meeting.


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