[conspire] best Knoppix-like (read: live CD) distro for NTFS read/write?

Eric De Mund ead-conspire at ixian.com
Wed Oct 25 12:35:59 PDT 2006

Rick, All,

Eric De Mund <ead-conspire at ixian.com>:
] What's the most reliable live CD/DVD Linux distribution a la Knoppix
] for NTFS reads and writes?

Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>:
] Anyway, maybe what you want is a live CD with the ntfs-3g driver
] (beta), a temporary fork of, and improvement upon, ntfsmount, offering
] for the first time really good write-mode support:
] http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-3g

Thank you for pointing me to the heart of the matter, ntfs-3g. I burned
and then booted from a copy of Puppy Linux 2.11 which has ntfs-3g sup-
port, and was able to modify key Windows XP files on my NTFS partition,
retaining the ability to boot afterwards.

I've hence added a bootable Puppy Linux 2.11 CD to my collection of
rescue CDs and will also be shipping a copy of this CD 400 miles north
to my friend in Oregon.

"Monkeys are superior to men in this: when a monkey looks into a mirror,
he sees a monkey." --Chazal

Eric De Mund              |      Ixian Systems      |
email: <ead at ixian.com>    | 650 Castro St, #120-210 | ICQ: 811788
http://www.ixian.com/ead/ | Mountain View, CA 94041 | Y!M: ead0002

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