[conspire] (forw) Thinkpad to etchasketch

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Nov 21 21:16:50 PST 2006


----- Forwarded message from Kristy Gray <kgray at midnightblue.net> -----

To: luv-talk <luv-talk at luv.asn.au>
From: Kristy Gray <kgray at midnightblue.net>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 15:53:02 +1100
Subject: Thinkpad to etchasketch


Ever felt like giving your laptop a good shake after a Kernel Panic?  
Now it might  do some good.

"Place your computer on the leading edge of cathartic interfaces by  
modifying the kernel to reset your Linux® laptop automatically when  
shaken during a kernel panic. Implement a shake-detection algorithm  
in the kernel and user space to perform automatic shutdowns and  
restarts when certain kinetic conditions are met."

----- End forwarded message -----

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