[conspire] Safe NTFS read/write driver for Linux

Eric De Mund ead-conspire at ixian.com
Thu Jul 20 10:27:17 PDT 2006

Don, Rick, All,

Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>:
] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&forum_id=2697
] (I'm posting that URL for future reference, since I expect to keep
] hearing people say for _years_ into the future that Linux NTFS support
] is unsafe.)

Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org>:
] More FUSE fun in progress: ZFS!
] http://zfs-on-fuse.blogspot.com/
] (Who's doing Reiser4?)

What's the executive summary of what I need to know about journaling
filesystems that significantly reduce corruption? I like that idea very
much, and liked the little bit of Don's posted zfs-on-fuse link, above,
that I read. In a couple of weeks I'm going to be installing a new
Debian system and will choose one of these journaling filesystems.

"Emacs is a nice OS, but to compete with Linux or Windows it needs a
better text editor." --Alexander Duscheleit

Eric De Mund
email: <ead at ixian.com>    | 650 Castro St, #120-210 | ICQ: 811788
http://www.ixian.com/ead/ | Mountain View, CA 94041 | Y!M: ead0002

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