[conspire] IT Support Anecdotes

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Jul 10 16:19:39 PDT 2006

Vive le Reg!

   A while back a man complained his big floppy drive was eating disks.
   So I went out, and the gate was up on the 5 1/4 inch drive. There
   doesn't seem to be a disk in the drive, can I see one you were using?"
   "Oh, that one, that one." he said pointing at the tiny gap beneath the
   drive." Not trusting myself to commment, I turned the PC off and opened
   the case. 5 1/4 disks spilled out. There must have been 20 or 30 of
   them. I scratched my cheek as I watched them spill out onto the floor.
   "At what point did you figure out that this drive wasn't working?"
   "Well," he said, "When I ran out of disks, I figured I'd better call
   for help." I bit my lip a minute. "Good call. Good call."

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