[conspire] Re: Trouble installing kubuntu-desktop

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Jan 15 22:50:02 PST 2006

Quoting Jose Medeiros (jose.medeiros at gmail.com):

> Quick question for all you Guru's. I installed Ubuntu...

Jose --

You didn't say which release.  I'm guessing a pre-Breezy Badger release.

v. 4.10 (i.e., released 2004, October):  Warty Warthog
v. 5.04 (i.e., released 2005, April):  Hoary Hedgehog
v. 5.10 (i.e., released 2005, October):  Breezy Badger
v. 6.04 (i.e., to be released 2006, April):  Dapper Drake

It would also have been helpful if you'd included your
/etc/apt/sources.list -- but I can guess its approximate contents, and
thus can make a pretty good guess at the problem.

> on my AMD 64 CPU and I am trying to add the KDE desktop using the
> following commands ( I had no problem with the 32 bit version at the
> install fest last month at Google) any ideas why it is not finding the
> correct package?

(See remarks further on, before implementing the suggestion below.)

Enable the "universe" collection in /etc/apt/sources.list, and try
again (including re-running "sudo apt-get update" to fetch new package
catalogues).  http://www.wlug.org.nz/UbuntuNotes has:

  Installing the KDE desktop

  As of Breezy, you don't need to have universe on to install KDE. You can
  simply "apt-get install kde" and you will have a functioning desktop.
  For a bit more, you can "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" for a full
  Kubuntu desktop, including things like Amarok and Konversation not
  included in a default KDE install.

  This will fill your Gnome menus with messy KDE apps, but you can get rid
  of these by running the following:

  sudo sed -i '/OnlyShowIn=/d;$a\OnlyShowIn=KDE;' \

As that note implies, the KDE/kubuntu packages weren't moved from
"universe" into the main collection until 5.10/breezy.  Thus my
suggestion of uncommenting "universe".  


If my guess is correct, you should consider upgrading to something
a _lot_ more modern -- and you might as well do that before installing
any KDE packages, to save time and download bytes.  Then, among other
things, you won't need to enable that extra collection.  (You'll need to
look up, elsewhere, the distinctions between main, universe, multiverse,
and restricted, but they include the fact that "main" gets the bulk of 
Ubuntu's quality-assurance efforts.)

Please see:

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