[conspire] question about EIDE ATA hard drive to buy

David E. Fox dfox at m206-157.dsl.tsoft.com
Wed Dec 20 19:22:32 PST 2006

On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 19:22:27 -0800
Darlene Wallach <freepalestin at dslextreme.com> wrote:

> I went to Central Computers today and found:
> Western Digital 320GB UATA 8mb 7200rpm WD3200JB for $109.95
> Seagate 400GB UATA 16mb 7200rpm ST3400620A for $169.95

YMMV, but $60 for an additional 80 gigs of drive space doesn't really
make me very excited. The WD is also faster, if one can believe bench-

But $109 (from a local vendor) is a very good price, from what I
can tell. One should always try to get as much space as one can
afford, but in this case, I'd probably recommend the WD on that

Darlene, since you already found the drive via Google, might I suggest
putting in the model # into Google and seeing what it comes up with? The
first rank is a link to Tom's Hardware page (a very good place to get
info like this).

That way you don't even look at the brands. All HD's have had issues,
but I remember people having them over Western Digital, Maxtor and even
IBM (gthe so-called *DeathStar*. PS I have one of those, in continuous
use since 2000. Better back up !


> Darlene Wallach

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
dfox at tsoft.com                            change magnetic patterns
dfox at m206-157.dsl.tsoft.com               on your hard disk.

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